Use of this site implies acceptance of the terms and conditions below. We recommend reading these carefully. EVOLIO MOBILITY SRL assumes the right to modify these provisions without further notice. The latest version can be accessed on this page.
Your access / visit to this website is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use, and implies your explicit acceptance of them and represents the agreement between the parties.
The relationship between the parties is governed by the following normative acts:
EVOLIO MOBILITY SRL guarantees the user limited access, in personal interest (making online orders, information), on the site and does not grant it the right to download or modify in whole or in part the site, to reproduce in whole or in part the site, to copy, sell / resell or to exploit the site in any other way, for commercial purposes or without its prior written consent.
The entire content of the site - images, texts, graphics, symbols, web graphics, emails, scripts, programs and other data - is the property of EVOLIO MOBILITY SRL and its suppliers and is a device The law for the protection of copyright (law no. 8/1996) and the laws regarding intellectual and industrial property. The use without the consent of EVOLIO MOBILITY SRL of any of the elements listed above is punished according to the legislation in force.
The domain is owned by EVOLIO MOBILITY SRL. Use of this trademark, domain or trade names, logos and logos, in direct or "hidden" form (such as, but not limited to, meta tags or other indexing techniques, web search) without prior written permission is prohibited and is punished according to the law.
The products presented on are sold by EVOLIO MOBILITY SRL. Product prices can be changed at any time. Check the final sale price before purchasing a product.
Articolul 1 - The general terms and conditions of sale (hereinafter referred to as TCGV) will apply to all sales of goods and services by SC EVOLIO MOBILITY S.R.L., through the virtual store to the BUYER.
In this TCGV, the main terms have the following meaning:
"BUYER": person, firm, company or other legal entity that issues an ORDER.
"SELLER": trading company EVOLIO MOBILITY SRL, headquartered in Bucharest, Piata Presei Libere Nr. 1, sector 1, registered at the Trade Register Office under number J40 / 12387/2003, Unique Registration Code no. RO15739088
"GOODS and SERVICES": any product or service that is sold through the virtual store, including the documents and services mentioned in the ORDER, to be provided by the SELLER TO THE BUYER.
"ORDER": an electronic document that intervenes as a form of communication between the SELLER and the BUYER, by which the SELLER agrees to deliver the GOODS and SERVICES he sells to the BUYER and the BUYER agrees to receive these GOODS and SERVICES and to pay them.
"CONTRACT": an ORDER confirmed by the SELLER.
"INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS" (hereinafter referred to as IPR): all industrial property rights including but not limited to: know-how, copyright, design rights, model rights, patents, trademarks and domain name registrations for any of the above.
"SPECIFICATIONS": all specifications and / or descriptions of the GOODS and SERVICES as specified in the order.
By launching an electronic or telephone order on the above mentioned site, the BUYER agrees to the form of communication (telephone or e-mail) through which the SELLER carries out its operations. The order will be composed of the following documents, in order of importance:
1) The order (together with the clear mentions on the delivery and invoicing data) and its specific conditions
2) Buyer Specifications (where applicable)
3) these General Terms and Conditions of Sale
If the SELLER confirms the order, this will imply a complete acceptance of the ORDER terms. Acceptance of the order by the SELLER is considered finalized when there is an electronic confirmation (e-mail) from the SELLER to the BUYER, without requiring an acknowledgment of receipt from him. The SELLER does not consider at any time an unconfirmed order as having the value of a CONTRACT.
Article 3 - VALIDITY
CONTRACTUL intra in vigoare la confirmarea COMENZII de catre VANZATOR. Confirmarea se face electronic (e-mail). Termenii si conditiile generale de vanzare vor sta la baza Contractului astfel incheiat, in completarea acestora fiind Certificatul de Garantie emis de catre VANZATOR sau un furnizor al acestuia.
4.1 The SELLER will deliver the GOODS and Services that meet the requirements, needs and specifications of the BUYER from the order;
4.2 The information and pictures presented on the SELLER's websites are informative and may be modified by the SELLER, without prior notice. Also, for reasons related to space and consistency of information structure, product descriptions may be incomplete, but the seller makes efforts to present the most relevant information, so that the product is used in the parameters for which it was purchased;
4.3 Communication with the store - can be done by interacting with it, posting opinions about products or communicating through the addresses mentioned in the "contact" section. Opinions or addresses containing insults or inappropriate language will be excluded or ignored from the site. The SELLER has the freedom to manage the information received, without having to bring justifications for it.
4.4 Green stamp duty - the value expressed in lei, paid by the Seller to the authorized company with the takeover of the operations of collection, transport and recovery / recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment, as provided by the legislation in force.
Under the conditions provided by law, the price of the Electronic Goods displayed on the site, includes the Green Stamp Tax. If the Client / Buyer requests details regarding the exact amount added to the price of the Good, he will contact the Evolio Customer Relations Department.
When purchasing a new product, at the request of the buyer, we take WEEE in the system "one by one", free of charge, under the same conditions as the delivery of the new product, if the equipment is equivalent and performed the same functions as the new equipment provided .
The SELLER may assign and / or subcontract a third party for services related to the fulfillment of the order, with the information of the BUYER, without the consent of the buyer. The SELLER will always be responsible to the BUYER for all contractual obligations.
SC EVOLIO MOBILITY SRL is the sole owner of all rights regarding the site and its content. The name of the site, its graphic form, the logos, the names of some products, are registered trademarks belonging to S.C EVOLIO MOBILITY S.R.L. , cannot be used in any way by third parties.
All proprietary rights, including intellectual property, over the Site and its content will remain the property of SELLER.
If you notice a violation of intellectual property rights by please send us a notice to:
7.1 All information of any kind provided by the BUYER to the SELLER, will remain the property of the Seller and will be used for the execution of the contract.
7.2 No public statement, promotion, press release or any other form of disclosure to third parties shall be made by the BUYER regarding the order without the prior written consent of the SELLER.
7.3 SC EVOLIO MOBILITY SRL reserves the right to send promotional materials to users who order from or who have subscribed to the newsletter section on the site. The telephone number noted by the customer in the order can be used for informing customers and in commercial communications.
Article 8 - DEADLINES
8.1 In case the delivery and / or starting terms of the Order cannot be observed, the SELLER will notify the BUYER of the estimated term of completion of the delivery.
8.2 In case the SELLER receives erroneous information related to the invoicing or delivery of the products, a new order fulfillment term will be established, this being within 3 working days.
8.3 Products not picked up from the service unit within 6 months from the completion of operations will be declared abandoned (according to the provisions of the Civil Code).
The price, the payment method and the payment term are specified in the Order. The Seller will issue to the Buyer an invoice for the delivered Goods and Services, the Buyer's obligation being to provide all the information necessary to issue the invoice in accordance with the legislation in force.
10.1 Delivery - The Seller undertakes to ship the Goods and Services in a door-to-door system to the Buyer and ensures a term of 48 hours or more in exceptional conditions. In exceptional conditions (weather, road conditions, accidents, special promotions with a large number of orders, etc.), the Seller will inform the Buyer about the delay and will provide an estimated delivery time.
10.2 Transport - Packaging
The Seller discharges the risks and responsibilities associated with the Goods and Services at the time of their delivery to the domestic courier company with which the Seller collaborates or to the Buyer's representative. The Seller will ensure the proper packaging of the Goods and Services and will ensure the transmission of the accompanying documents. The Seller will deliver the Goods and Services on the territory of Romania and of the European Union.
10.3 The prices of the Goods and Services displayed on the site do not include delivery costs.
Article 11 - ACCEPTANCE
Acceptance will be made when the Goods and Services comply with the technical characteristics mentioned in the Order. If the Buyer discovers that the Products delivered or the Services provided do not comply with the technical specifications, then the Seller will bring the Products and Services into conformity, without imputing to the Buyer any costs related to these operations. Also, the Seller will comply with the provisions of the Law by Emergency Ordinance no. 34/2014 on the legal regime of distance contracts, which gives the Buyer (only under the conditions of the normative act mentioned) the right to notify the trader in writing that he renounces the purchase, without penalties and without invoking a reason, within 14 calendar days from receipt of the product or, in the case of services, from the conclusion of the contract, the Buyer will receive within 14 days from the receipt by the Seller of the return products (by bank transfer) the Contract price, conditioned by the return of Goods and Services. The Seller has the right that when he considers that the actions of the Buyer were with bad intention to request damages to the Buyer, under the conditions of the legislation.
Article 12 - GUARANTEES
In addition to any other warranties provided by applicable law and detailed in the Warranty Certificate issued by the Seller, they warrant the Buyer against any non-conformity that may affect all or part of the Goods and Services, except normal wear and tear, for a period of 24 months. from the date of issuing the sales invoice. Exceptions are consumable products (which do not benefit from warranty) and accessories that are not part of the electronic category.
In case of missing the warranty certificate or the instructions for use, this aspect will be signaled in writing within 48 hours from the receipt of the products and services. Subsequent complaints regarding this issue will no longer be considered.
The repair term of the products out of warranty is 30 days depending on the availability of parts. The warranty for replaced parts is 60 days.
In the case of products that have a canceled warranty, a transport fee of 15 lei will be charged by the recipient.
If contests are organized, the employees of SC EVOLIO MOBILITY SRL and their families cannot participate in any contest organized on the website
By agreeing to participate in any contest on you give your consent to receive special offers and other information emails from or from any other site owned by SC EVOLIO MOBILITY SRL.
Vouchers offered to customers cannot be applied if the products they wish to purchase are already part of a promotion, are at a discount or benefit from other price reductions.
Promotions and discount codes do not accumulate.
Resealed products do not benefit from active promotions for sealed products.
The ownership of the Goods and Services will be transferred at the time of payment by the Buyer, depending on the method indicated in the order. Upon delivery, it is necessary to sign the receipt of the transport document provided by the courier or to sign the receipt on the fiscal invoice in case of deliveries made by the Seller's staff. In case of delivery by courier, it is not authorized by the Seller to allow the Buyer to open the packages before signing the delivery, but only after signing the delivery and paying their value.
Article 15 - LIABILITY
15.1 The Seller shall not be liable for damages of any kind, which the Buyer or any third party may suffer as a result of the Seller's fulfillment of any of its obligations under the Order and for damages resulting from the use of the Goods and Services after delivery and in especially for the loss of products.
15.2 The Seller shall be liable if its subcontractors and / or partners of any kind involved in the execution of the Order do not fulfill any of the contractual obligations.
16.1 If the Seller does not fulfill its obligations, including during the warranty period, the Buyer will notify the Seller in writing of this breach. An action plan will be validated between the Parties within 3 days of notification.
16.2 The Buyer may cancel an Order by e-mail, before it has been delivered. Otherwise, the order will be subject to the return of the goods, mentioned on the Seller's websites
Article 17 - Force Majeure
17.1 Neither Contracting Party shall be liable for the failure to perform on time and / or for the improper performance - in whole or in part - of any obligation incumbent on it under this Agreement, if the non-performance or improper performance of that obligation was caused by force majeure. , as defined by law.
17.2 The party invoking force majeure is obliged to notify the other party, within 3 days, of the occurrence of the event and to take all possible measures in order to limit its consequences.
17.3 If within 30 days of occurrence, the event does not cease, the parties have the right to notify the full termination of this contract without any of them claiming damages.
This contract is subject to Romanian law. Any disputes arising from the interpretation and execution of this contract will be settled amicably, and in the event that no agreement is reached in this way, the competent courts will be appealed to the Seller's headquarters.
Article 19 - Prices
The prices of the products and services displayed within the site include T.V.A. 19%, according to the law in force.
The price, the payment method and the delivery method are specified in the Order. The Seller will issue to the Buyer an invoice for the delivered Goods and Services, the Buyer's obligation being to provide all the information necessary to issue the invoice in accordance with the legislation in force.
If one or more provisions of these TCGV are in conflict with any applicable legal requirement, those provisions will not be applied and the Parties will work together to agree on new provisions that respect the spirit of the initial provisions. The parties to the contract will be considered independent contractors and neither party is granted the right or authority to assume or create any obligation on behalf of or to the detriment of the other. The terms and conditions of this agreement supersede other prior written or oral agreements between the parties to the subject matter of this Agreement and may be amended or changed only by written agreement signed by both parties.
The BUYER has read these general terms and conditions of sale, agreeing with them in full, when placing an order.
EVOLIO MOBILITY and its suppliers do not assume responsibility for printing or display errors in terms of prices, features, images, etc. In the event that the price of the product or some features of the product have been incorrectly entered in our databases, or displayed incorrectly, and delivery has not yet been made, our company reserves the right to cancel delivery of that product and notify the customer in the shorter time about the error.
The information presented on the Seller's website is informative and may be modified by the Seller, without prior notice.
EVOLIO MOBILITY may change these conditions at certain intervals without notifying BUYERS. Such changes will be notified to the BUYER by posting on our website. Modifications made in this way are considered to be accepted by the BUYER if he continues to use the services and information after their display on the website.
For purchases made online, the guarantee is made based on the invoice, the receipt or fiscal receipt and the guarantee that may be incomplete.
In view of the provisions of the legislation in force on waste electrical and electronic equipment, which may contain hazardous materials with an impact on the environment or human health, if not collected separately, please note the Symbol indicating that electrical and electronic equipment electronic products are subject to a separate collection:
How to proceed when I need service
If you need service assistance, contact an authorized Service Center. Please have the model number, product series, date and place of purchase, as well as a brief description of the issue or topic of interest when contacting the Service Center.
The products under warranty that are sent to our headquarters in Bucharest, Piata Presei Libere Nr. 1, sector 1 must be sent through the courier company FAN Courier with payment according to the contract. The order is made by contacting the EVOLIO MOBILITY SRL Service at or by phone 0747136904. The transport costs are borne by EVOLIO MOBILITY SRL.
If the product is out of warranty, contact an Authorized Service Center for a fee.
Evolio is not responsible for the availability of information from other external sites and does not support their content.
Any complaints can be made by BUYERS at the company's headquarters and at the email address As well as at